Tips On Choosing The Correct Cricket Gear

Cricket is a sport that most people know about, but many would not know the rules or how to go about buying the gear. Here at Intersport Elverys, we have a guide to enable you to get the correct gear, if Cricket is a sport you or someone in your family whats to take up. Find out all you need to know below.

Measuring for batting pads

Batting pads size guide

Measuring for batting/wicket keeping gloves

Glove size guide

Here at Intersport Elverys we have a fantastic range of products from a wide range of sports. Find our Cricket section HERE.

How To Get The Best Cardio Workout At Home | Intersport Elverys

The rules may have changed, but motivation hasn’t. Whether it’s remote racing, or virtual training. Whether you’re training at home, in your gym or in a garage – your crew is always with you to inspire and motivate you through every step, because wherever you take sport, you never sport alone. We have some of the top brands including Nike, adidas, Puma, Underarmour and more, to help you achieve your fitness journey.

Here at Intersport Elverys, we’ll be giving you some tips and advice on how to get your cardio done at home, without needing any equipment. It is vital that everyone, both young and older stay fit and active and we have some recommendations below that may suit you. Suitable for all the family, just make sure you do a warm up first.


High knees – This is basically running on the spot. Get your knees up as high as you can and go, at a speed which gets your heart rate up. This exercise will engage your core and improve your cardio capacity.

Jumping jacks – These are a good full body workout. For those of you who don’t know, they are done by jumping to a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with the feet together & your arms down by your side. Doing a number of these in succession will give your legs, core and arms a good workout and help cardio.

Seal jumping jacks – The seal versions of jumping jacks are basically the same as normal jumping jacks, but with one difference. Instead of extending your hands over your head, you put them out in front of yourself and clap. It will give you a slightly different workout.

Burpees – Now we come to the most difficult exercise, the burpee. This is a total body workout and is one which most people find hard. Doing them consistently will 100% improve your cardio capacity. Here is how to do a burpee: put the palms of your hands on the floor in front of the feet, jump back into a push-up position, in some cases completes one push-up, jump to return to the squat position, and then jumps up into the air while extending the arms overhead. Simple!

Mountain climbers – These are also a tough but rewarding exercise. Place yourself it the push up position, arms locked. Then start bringing your knees into your chest, one at a time. Do this for 30 seconds and you’ll really feel the workout in progress.

How To Get The Best Cardio Workout At Home

Squat jumps – These are easy to explain. Start from a standing position, bring your body down to a squat position and then jump. Do this repetitively and it will improve your power as well as burning lots of calories.

Shadowboxing – This is basically boxing on the spot, at an intense level. It will engage your shoulders, chest, abdominals, back, glutes, calves, quads and even more, so give it a try.

How To Get The Best Cardio Workout At Home

We have listed 7 different exercises above. Why not try to do them as a HIIT session, 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. Do all 7 three times. Good luck and stay healthy & safe.


5km run – We know that it is not possible for everyone, but if you have a park, path or safe road near (with very few people) why not go for a 5km or a 30-minute run. It’s the easiest thing to do as you don’t need any equipment and it’s great for the body and mind.

100m sprints – If you have a park, garden, pitch or anywhere that is quiet, you should try and do some sprints, which are great for cardio. Like the HIIT session, try 20 seconds on (to do your 100m) and 20 seconds break. Repeat this 10 times. The next time you do it, try to do it 11 times and keep trying to improve.

Shuttle runs – These are perfect in a small area. You can set up 2 stations 20 meters apart for example so you can sprint between the two points. We’d recommend trying the ‘ladder’ approach. Start off by doing one, then two in a row, then three in a row and up as far as you’d like. But remember, you have to come down the ladder too. So, if you get to ten in a row, you have to do nine in a row, eight in a row, seven in a row and so on until you come down again. We’d recommend you trying this.

We hope you like our cardio recommendations. If you do try any of them, why not share your videos or feedback with us on our social media channels.

If you’d like to get some gym equipment, check out our website and delivery on standard delivery’s HERE.

How To Get The Best Cardio Workout At Home

Get Your Kid Fit and Healthy with This Kids’ Workout | Intersport Elverys

Kids playing a game for a fun kids’ workout

Mandatory Credit ©INPHO/James Crombie

Stuck at home or stuck for time to actually get out anywhere? You might be looking to take your kids through a little bit of activity to let their energy out from being cooped up inside.

It’s important that, whatever kind of activity you choose, they ease gradually into it. Rushing into workout routines is a great way to get injured or even burnt out.

We’re talking about why kids need to exercise and a few of the elements of fitness our exercise for kids target.

And then, we’re listing a fun HIIT workout to get your kids active while also getting an intensive workout done for yourself. Plus, it can be done at home, at your local park or pitch, or wherever works for you and your kids.

The key thing when working out with kids is making it fun and adding a little bit of friendly competitiveness, all while making sure everyone is enjoying themselves.

Why Do Kids Need Exercise? 

There are plenty of benefits for everyone who regularly exercises, and that includes kids.  Just like you, kids need to exercise and lead healthy, active lifestyles. And when they do, they’ll benefit from these things (plus plenty of others):

  • Less risk of becoming overweight or obese
  • Less risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Strong muscles and bones
  • Better mental health
  • Better night’s sleep

Plus, with sports seasons coming up quickly, your kids will be ready to go if you start working out sooner rather than later.

What Are The Elements of Fitness? 

Young kid stretches before completing a kid friendly workout

There are three main elements of fitness no matter what kind of workout or activity your kids do:

  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • Flexibility

Focus on incorporating all three things in you and your kid’s workout routine.

Endurance focuses on aerobic activity, which strengthens the heart muscle and helps improve the body’s ability to provide oxygen to all of the cells.

If you’re looking for outdoor kids workouts (that don’t always feel like a workout), try playing basketball or football, go swimming, play tennis, or go for a light jog.

Strength doesn’t always mean you have to lift weights, but doing certain movements like press ups, pullups, situps, and crunches can help build and strengthen muscles.

Finally, flexibility promotes better joint and muscle movement. As we get older, we can easily lose our range of motion. Start your kids off on the right foot by implementing stretching routines or even simple yoga flows so they can prevent losing their own range of motion later on.

How Much Exercise Should Your Kids Get? 

You know that your kids should be exercising, but how much exercise should they actually get? It’s recommended that kids and teenagers should get around 60 minutes of moderate to heavy physical activity every day. If you’ve got kids in sports, that should be no problem! And if it’s the off season, or your kid doesn’t play a sport, we’ve still got a great kids workout for you (in just a minute).

Young toddlers should have 60 minutes of active play every day. And young school-age children should try to get two hours of active play every day. That can be anything from free play to an adult-led activity.

What Equipment Do You Need For Kids’ Workouts? 

Before you get started with your exercises for kids, you might need to grab a few things that can help them (and you!) get a better workout in.

If you’re looking for ways to add more endurance training or cardio into your kids’ workout, try adding in a skipping rope. It’s a fun way to get in an intensive workout in just a short amount of time.

And if you’ve got older kids (at least 8 years or older) who are well-versed in fitness, you can try introducing them to resistance in their workouts other than their bodyweight. Start with resistance bands or tubes, and then work into small weighted kettlebells, medicine balls, or hand weights. Make sure you are always there to supervise them when they are using this kind of equipment!

Some equipment is good to have on hand, especially if you’re trying to make sure your kids lead active lifestyles. Things like basketballs, basketball hoops, footballs, or even tennis and volleyballs. These can encourage your kids to go outside and play in their own backyards, which is a great way for them to get their activity in for the day.

Looking to add to your equipment for your kids’ workouts? We can help you with that! 

Exercise To Do At Home With Your Kids: 

A great way to get an intensive workout for your kids and you is to do a quick high intensity interval training workout with them.

Warm Up: 

First, shake off any cobwebs! Start off by:

Swinging your arms forwards and backwards for 5 seconds.

Warm up your hips and get your core activated by placing your hands on your hips and moving them in a circular motion for 10 seconds. Then do it in the opposite direction for 10 seconds. Use a hula hoop if you have one or pretend that you’re using an imaginary one.

  • Jog on the spot then move into a sprint in place for 10 seconds.
  • Do jumping jacks or clap jacks for 10 seconds.
  • Skip on the spot for 10 seconds. You can use a skipping rope if you’d like!
  • Repeat this warm up two more times.
  • Once you’re all warmed up, get a quick drink of water and move onto the HIIT workout!

The HIIT Workout (6 Rounds)

For each round, do 20 seconds of the fun HIIT workout with your kids. Try to complete as many reps as possible in 20 seconds (and you can get a little competitive, too!).

Then, adults do 10 more seconds of burpees while your kids rest.

After your round of burpees, both you and your kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round One: Press Ups 

Adults complete 8 press ups.

Kids complete 4 press ups (and their knees can be on the floor if needed!)

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

Then, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round Two: Front Punches 

Adults move into a squat position. If you have dumbbells, you can add them into this round to really get a challenge.

Kids move into a squat position.

In a squat position, alternate punching straight out for 20 seconds.

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

After, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round Three: Bear Crawls

Adults and kids move onto hands with feet firmly planted on the ground. Then, walk on your hands and feet! Do this for 20 seconds.

Kids can chase and try to catch each other in the bear crawl position to add to the fun!

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

After, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round Four: Ball Hops

If you don’t have a ball, just imagine you have a ball in between your feet.

Adults and kids hop for 20 seconds with the ball (or imaginary ball) in between your feet.

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

After, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round Five: Front Kicks 

Adults kick out, then squat down, then stand up and do another kick. Alternate legs for 20 seconds.

Kids just complete a karate kick for 20 seconds.

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

After, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Round Six: Jumping Jacks 

Adults complete regular jumping jacks for 20 seconds.

Kids complete clap jacks for 20 seconds.

Adults complete 10 seconds of burpees while kids rest.

After, both adults and kids rest for 30 seconds.

Now, it is tough, it may get hectic with the kids, but it’s all part of the fun! Feel free to mix and match what workouts work best for you and your whole family.

Cool Down: 

If you want a little cool down with your kids (which is great for the flexibility element we touched on earlier), try these movements:

Lie down with your arms and legs in the air and shake your body out.

Stand back up and hold one leg and then the other leg. Aim for 10 seconds per leg. Hold onto your kids hand if they need you to!

Bend over with your hands and try to touch your toes. Feel the stretch in your hamstring, but don’t over stretch! Focus on your breathing.

As you cool down, your heart rate will begin to slow down, too.

Be sure to refuel for yours and their day ahead!

Leading a fit lifestyle with your kids is a great way to give them a healthy start in their lives. Just like adults, young kids need exercise to stay fit and healthy and to lessen the risk of diseases. And these kinds of workouts are perfect for kids who are at home during the pandemic and these frigid winter months.

Give this kids’ exercise a go and hope you enjoy it! You can shop our fill kids range HERE.

How To: Full Body Workout At Home With Dumbbells | Elverys

We’re looking at exercises tailoring to a full body workout that can be done with just two dumbbells at home. Most of these exercises require just dumbbells but for some a chair or some flat surface for support will do just fine. Also a mat or a carpet for comfort for some exercises.


This is not a program but rather a list of useful exercises for you to experiment with and find what works for you.

Try 6-8 exercises per workout.

You can mix and match between upper body and lower body, chest and shoulders, back and arms etc.

We recommend 3sets x 8-10reps per exercise if you’re starting out.

You can increase sets or reps if you have lighter dumbbells or you feel you’re comfortable to do so.



Floor Press

Have one dumbbell in each hand, lie flat on the floor with your feet face down on the floor. Then press your arms up together getting a good squeeze in the chest, then return them to the starting position. The floor will give you a stable position, the range of motion will be slightly shorter than a bench press so really focus on contracting the chest muscles being worked.

Floor Fly’s

Again lie flat on the floor with your feet face down with the dumbbells, reach both arms out in front of you with the dumbbells above your chest and slowly move your arms to each side until you feel a pull in the chest, bring both arms up again and squeeze when they’re together. For this keep a slight bend in the arms and we’d recommend using a lighter dumbbell.

Dumbbell Press

Introduce some dumbbell press push-ups like regular push-ups but the dumbbells are on the ground as support. You can also bring them close in to work the Triceps, move them out further to work the shoulders and back.


Bent Over Row

For this sit down in just above a full squat, lean forward and bend your body. Have each dumbbell at you side with your arms at a 90° angle. Extend your arms down towards the ground and pull back up getting a squeeze in your back each time. This can be done singularly using a chair to give that added support.

Reverse Fly’s

Get in the same crunched over position as the bent over rows. Hold each dumbbell together with your arms out and in front of your chest like you would with the floor fly’s, slowly move your arms again to each side getting that squeeze in the back. Again you can do this on a chair for added support if needed, just be hunched over and try get your chest close to your knees.



Standing tall, hold one dumbbell overhead. Extend with your arms with little movement from your elbows, bring your arms back down to 90° and repeat. These can also be done singularly.


Use a chair for single use or move into the crunched over position like the bent over rows to do these together. Your arms should be at 90° with the dumbbell facing the ground. Slowly bring the dumbbell back to as far as your arm can go tensing the Tricep at full extension while trying to move the elbow as little as possible, bring back to 90° and repeat.


Bicep Curl

Standing up with the dumbbells at your sides and palms facing forward. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides, slowly curl the dumbbells to the top getting a good squeeze in your biceps. Then slowly bring this down to the starting position. This can also be done seated if you’d prefer.

Hammer Curl

This follows the same instructions as the Bicep curl only your palms will be facing each other rather than outward. A rule of thumb would be on full extension, try and get the bottom part of the dumbbell facing the ceiling.


Shoulder Press

This can be done seated or standing. Lift both dumbbells up by your shoulders at 90″ and press upward to full extension and return to starting position.

Lateral Raises

Again standing or sitting have both dumbbells down at your side. Lift both dumbbells outward to your left and right. Until your arms are at your shoulder height keeping a slight bend in the elbows. Return arms to your side and repeat.



Your Traps are the muscles around the neck area. Keep both dumbbells down by your side and using your traps shrug your shoulders up while keeping the dumbbells in the same place. If you’re using a lighter weight you may be able to get more out of this exercise.




Stand with your feet hip width apart. Holding a dumbbell at both your sides. Step one foot forward and lower your other knee to the ground. As your knee comes close to the ground bring it back up to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Try these as reverse lunges to add a bit more of a challenge.

Goblet Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in both hands in the middle of your chest. Sit down with your body weight into a squat position. Power back up to the standing position, getting a squeeze in your bum and repeat. Squats are one exercise that you can mix up with dumbbells while also adding in an upper body shoulder press into the movement. Be sure to check out some variations.


Russian Twist

Sit on the floor in the ‘V’ position, where your legs are bent and slightly in the air and you’re sitting with your back at a ‘V’ angle. With the dumbbell twist your core from left to right. Some try to touch the dumbbell off the surface nearest to you on each side but go with whatever is comfortable. Slow this one and keep control and you’ll feel the burn quick.

Weighted Sit Ups

Lie down with your feet anchored and a light weight to start in both hands near your chest. Try and get someone to support your feet. Maybe your kids or partner can help out with this one. Roll yourself  and the weight up toward your knees using your core, then back again and repeat.

Weighted Crunches

Again lie on the floor with your feet anchored and a light weight in both hands by your chest. Engage your core and lift your head and shoulders up towards the top of your torso squeezing the core and back down again.

These are our top dumbbell workouts. There are still a number of variations you can try out, let us know in the comments section on our channels the workouts you like to incorporate. Again these are here to pick and choose from to suit your weekly exercise. Stay active at home!

You can check out our Dumbbells HERE and Free delivery on standard delivery’s over €60.



Sport at Home – Staying Active

Here at Intersport Elverys, we are going to give you some tips on doing sport at home (both in-door and outdoor), to help keep your children entertained for hours, while also ensuring that they keep improving their sporting skills. We have selection of balls, goals, nets and much more sporting equipment available online if you need it, with free home delivery on everything. Take a look below for all the details.

Indoor Games

Everyone may not have the room to play outside, so here are some ideas to keep entertainment value high within the household.

1 Why not use some cones in the hallway or other rooms to create an indoor obstacle course (of course, only if it’s safe)? Get the stop-watch out and make a competition out of it.

2 Tennis balls can also be excellent for indoor games. A simple game of catch can provide hours of fun (especially if you think about that Friends Episode). Tennis balls can also be used, with 10 paper/plastic cups as pins for 10-pin bowling.

3 A game of hand tennis can also be a way of keeping entertainment high in the hallway. Put a barrier in the middle of the hall and use your hand to hit the ball back and forward (warning, this one will definitely get competitive).

4 If you have chalk in the house, why not draw a circle on a door and use it as target practice. See how many you can get in a row.

If you have any other indoor game ideas, let us know through our social media channels and we’ll add to our list of recommendations.

Gaelic Football

If you have a ball at home, every aspiring footballer should use it to improve their pickups, soloing, kicking and hand passing. All they need is a wall, a garden or driveway. Practice makes perfect. If you are looking for more, we have a 10-foot Super Sports goal is perfect for anyone with some room around their house and is ideal for sports such as Gaelic Football, Hurling and Soccer.

Hurling and Camogie

For every young hurler and camogie players, practice is key in terms of pucking and catching. Lots of the best players down the years have credited their skills to hitting a ball up against a wall for hours on end. As they say, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.  If you don’t want the wall to be used, we do have the Reydon Hurley Master which is a purpose designed frame with a net and target area for training and practicing your skills.


Basketball is a sport that has always garnered interest in Ireland. Most garages seem to have a basketball hoop on them, outside homes across the country. If you have one of these hoops, go out and start shooting into it and try and beat your personal best.


Almost everyone in Ireland has a football, which they can go out and kick against a wall for hours on end. Setting up a bin as a target and kick the ball into the bin will endlessly improve passing and shooting skills.

If you have any other outdoor game ideas, let us know through our social media channels and we’ll add to our list of recommendations.

Visit our website HERE. We offer free delivery when you spend over €60.

Running Gear Review By Irish Runner’s Killian Byrne

At Intersport Elverys we understand what is truly happening in the beating heart of sport and running continues to grow as one of those sports. We thought it would be good to share Killian Byrne’s of Irish Runner’s review of some of our latest running product which featured in the latest Irish Runner Magazine. These are some great products across some new and top running brands giving you the runner some insight into how they performed when put into action.

Read about his experiences below.

Hoka Speedgoat 4

We reviewed the Hoka Speedgoat 3 last year and it was one of our first jumps into the world of trail and mountain running. These shoes need to be light, stiff, water resistant and stop you slipping, tripping and falling and HOKA are getting a really good name in the trail world for making the best of everything that’s required.

The 4 has a wider fit compared to the Speedgoat 3 and it makes a difference in comfort and performance but where this shoe announces itself is in its Vibram Megagrip outsole. With 5mm lugs designed to add traction on wet ground there is no slipping anywhere in these shoes. The tight mesh protects well and maintains a very good barrier to the dirt and moisture leak that the Irish trails will inevitably bring.

Because these are Hoka shoes you’ll get the unmistakable Hoka rocker sole and while it’s slightly less pronounced on the Speedgoat it provides the cushioning and comfort the brand is famous for. I’m going to break with tradition a little and do something I rarely do – if you don’t trail run (or run at all) then these would be very decent walking shoes; either for the hills or just a walk in the park. They’re comfortable, look good and will wear well. Search them out.

See them HERE

Aftershokz Trekz Air Headphones

At Irish Runner we have always advised against zoning out with music while road running. But when bone conducting technology used by the US Army was mentioned it piqued our interest and a test was needed to see if these really did perform as everyone raves about.

For those not familiar with the technology, the ‘speakers’ on the headset sit in front of the ear, not on them and use the bones in the head to conduct your music to the ears. Not actually covering the ears means the user remains aware of ambient sound and any possible dangers that may occur.

First – the sound. The music quality was excellent, you wouldn’t compare it to a live orchestra but for the purposes designed the Trekz Air are 10/10. Crisp, Clear and loud if required.

Second – the safety. Could I hear ambient noise? Yes. Was I distracted by the music playing? Yes. If you’re listening to music, you will be distracted by music, but you are certainly more aware of what’s going on around you. In this environment of practically silent electric vehicles only the beep of a horn will alert you.

The Aftershokz Trekz Air are a great pair of headphones, the Bluetooth connection to your player is very good and I wholeheartedly recommend them – just be careful out there.

See them HERE

Asics Cumulus 21 Knit

The beginning of the year sees the big brands launch and relaunch shoes on a constant basis. Sometimes a new shoe brings with it considerable changes, sometimes the changes are minor but still make a difference and it’s the latter category we find ourselves with the 21st version of the mainstay Cumulus from Asics.

This shoe contains ALL the technology. Flitefoam midsole, gel cushioning in the heel, rubber and ‘durasponge’ in the sole, a dual layer mesh and a sockliner. There now, stuffed to the brim with all the best that Asics can offer and it all makes a difference. You don’t bring out 21 versions of a shoe unless its popular and its not hard to see why the Cumulus is back again – for those that want to know, it’s a neutral shoe, it looks great and it performs beyond expectations. This is not a middle of the road shoe; this is a shoe that will let you perform to your best whatever your distance.

Did I mention that its comfortable? Because it is. A newly designed collar on the heel protects the achilles and locks the foot in, the sock design limits slipping and is solid. The Cumulus isn’t the lightest trainer on the market but let’s not argue over a few oz – there is plenty of stiffness, lots of grip and will provide the casual runner with a good seasons worth of decent mileage. This is a real workhorse of a shoe.

See them HERE

What did you think of Killian’s product reviews? Have you tested any of these for yourself? Keep an eye out for more reviews from Killian Byrne.

See the latest in running HERE. Free delivery on standard delivery’s when you spend €60 or more.