Guide to the Correct Recovery after a Long Run

Getting your recovery after a long run done in a correct manner is almost as important and beneficial as the run itself.

That’s why we’ve entrusted the help of ASICS Frontrunner and Neuromuscular Therapist, Grace Lynch, to take us through her essential tips for recovery after a long run.

Grace is an international level long-distance runner, so knows how to get the very best out of her performance.

So have a read through below where you’ll be sure to learn a thing or two for when you’re recovering from your next long run.

recovery from long run

If you’re new to running, why not check out our Ultimate Beginners Guide to Running HERE. 

Recovery after a long run: with Grace Lynch

“No matter what level of sport you are at, recovery is a fundamental aspect of training.

“Without adequate recovery our bodies can not adapt to the stress we apply to it through training and exercise. As a runner, one of the aspects I prioritise during my training week is my recovery strategy.

“I know that if I don’t dedicate enough time to recovery, my body will start to feel the stress from the miles and high intensity training sessions I log during the week.

“No matter if you are new to the running community or you are an experienced runner facing a season of racing, we all need to take the time and organise our recovery protocol.

“For me there are certain things I do during my week to keep myself injury free and ready to tackle training. More importantly, I know when I toe the line on race day, I’ve done everything I can to prepare my body and mind and put forward my best performance on race day!

“So, what can you do as part of your daily or weekly routine to help you stay on top of your recovery and attain those short and long-term goals you have in your training diary?

“Here are a few of my top tips to keep you running smoothly this season!”

Recovery after a long Run: Top Tips

Daily rituals

“First off, lets get the simple things nailed down!

“First thing I do upon waking up is ensure my hydration levels are good to go for the day ahead.

!Get some room temperature water in after waking up and ease yourself into your day.

“A good tip I find is to complete 5 minutes of mobility. Just some easy flows to wake up the joints and muscles before starting any physical activity.

“I like to do my run in the morning, so this sets me up perfectly and helps to prevent injuries.

“Another good idea is to take note of how your body is feeling each morning and jot it down in your training journal.

“I jot down energy levels and if I have any niggles or complaints. This can help you to identify patterns or triggers which can aid you in your training plan and maintaining good health and well-being.”

Physical Therapy and Footwear

“As a Neuromuscular Therapist, one of the biggest factors in leading to injury I find, both when dealing with clients and my own experience, is over-training and a lack of recovery.

“Unfortunately, injuries can pop up, but the key is to do everything we can in an effort to prevent and reduce the incidence of injury.

“This Top 5 Runner Review Blog will help you pick.

“If you are new to running, I would recommend going to your physio to see if you have an imbalance which needs to be worked on.

“From here, your S&C coach can subscribe a simple program to strengthen your weaknesses and make the body more resilient to training and the loading of running lots of miles.

“Additionally, going to your local Intersport Elverys store with some feedback on your foot type, you can be sure to be recommended the right shoe type for your personal running needs.

“So, whether your neutral, an over pronator or under pronator, a 5k runner or a marathon junkie, you can be sure to find the right shoe for you!”

Sleep and Nutrition

“I think we all know the importance of getting enough sleep and following a well-balanced diet.

“Add in a working lifestyle and following a training program – these two key elements need to be high on your priority list.

“The one thing I find goes hand-in-hand with sleep and nutrition is being organized. I usually dedicate my rest day or my Sunday evening to planning out my week.

“Once I know how my schedule looks, I can ensure to prepare my food for busy days of work and training.

“It can make a huge difference to your training sessions when you have fuelled up properly, so get yourself organised and you’ll be feeling confident that your training won’t be affected by a busy lifestyle.

“I always pack some extra snacks for post workout nutrition, just in case!

“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!”

Rest days

“Finally, rest days are not only vital for physical recovery, but also for mental recovery.

“If you are training hard to achieve your goals, sometimes it can be easy for training to become monotonous.

“Enjoyment is key when it comes to running and rest days are essential in providing you with time away from running to refresh your body and mind.

“This helps the recovery process but also keeps you motivated and driven, especially during hard training blocks.

“I usually try to plan something I enjoy for my rest day, like meeting friends for a catch up and coffee.

“After all, life is to be enjoyed, so make sure you make time for those aspects of life too!”



“So, I hope these few tips keep you happy and healthy this winter season and keep you on track to achieving those running goals you have!

“Why not check out our blog on the Health Benefits to Running HERE.?

“Check out Intersport Elverys Running range HERE or below.”

recovery from long run

Guide to The Benefits of Swimming in The Sea

FOR some people it can be the most fulfilling experience in the world – others the worst – but either way the benefits of swimming in the sea are unquestionable.

Although the sea swimming craze really took off since lockdown, the benefits were being enjoyed by people for centuries.

One of the great aspects to sea swimming is how is accessible it is, the social aspect of meeting fellow sea swimmers and the many physical and mental benefits.

We’ve covered the Health Benefits of Swimming in this BLOG.

In this blog we’re going to list our best eight benefits of swimming in the sea, along with some more information to help you get start.

So jump right in.

the benefits of swimming in the sea

Before we start, why not check out our Swimming Gear for Kids Guide right HERE? It has got all the information on the leading swimming products for kids.

 The Benefits of Swimming in the Sea

Improves Circulation

Swimming in cold water flushes your veins, arteries, and capillaries. It helps to warm our extremities by forcing blood to the surface.

So basically, we become accustomed to the cold after repeated exposure!

Gives your immune system a boost

The immune system’s response to cold water has been extensively researched.

Because the body is forced to react to changing conditions, cold water helps to enhance white blood cell count. Your body gets better at activating its defenses over time.

Get a Natural High!

Endorphins are released when you swim in cold water.

The brain creates this hormone to help us feel pleasant throughout activities.

Swimming in cold water is also a type of exercise, and exercise has been shown to help with depression.

Swimming in cold water gets us close to the pain threshold and when we are in pain, endorphins are released to assist us cope.

Increase your Libido!

Yes, it really does!

Cold water has long been thought to suppress sexual desires, but truth is that it boosts your libido!

A little dip in cold water increases oestrogen and testosterone production, enhancing fertility and libido.

Greater libido has a number of advantages, including increased confidence, self-esteem, and mood.

the benefits of swimming in the sea

Burn Calories

In cold water, the heart has to beat quicker, and the body has to work harder to keep everything warm while swimming.

Swimming in cold water burns significantly more calories than swimming in warmer water.

Although it is a myth that drinking cold water improves calorie burning, it is true that cold water lowers your body temperature to the point where your body must react.


As we’ve highlighted above, you’ll meet loads of new friends in sea swimming.

There’s great camaraderie and community in sea swimming in Ireland.

Plus, there’s also the challenge which will bring people together too.

The effects of cold-water swimming on the menopause is also being researched. The problem is that it’s tough to prove that it’s the cold water that’s making a difference, because socializing and exercising both increase overall health and happiness.

What’s not to appreciate about that?

Reduce Stress

Swimming in cold water puts physical and emotional strain on the body.

The link between cold water and stress reduction has been proven in numerous studies.

Swimmers who swim in cold water become calmer and more relaxed.

Benefits of Sea Swimming as Exercise

Swimming is one of the best forms of cardiovascular, or aerobic exercise, because it uses almost every muscle in your body and raises your heart rate.

According to one study*, 12 weeks of swimming can improve the efficiency of blood being pumped through your body by 18% and because water is around 800 times denser than air, it’s great for toning up without putting stress on your joints.

It can even slow down the ageing process – scientists have shown that swimming three to five times a week dramatically reduces the risk of an early death.

Benefits of Sea Swimming on Injury

Swimming has a lower risk of injury than many other forms of exercise because the buoyancy of the water takes stress off your joints.

It’s a natural painkiller too – in one study of people with chronic lower back pain, 90% said that their pain had improved after six months of regular swimming.

What’s more, swimming has been shown to help reduce inflammation and help people suffering from osteoarthritis*.

Safety First: Benefits of Sea Swimming Ireland

Like all sports and activities, and especially when water is involved, there are rules and safety measures you should follow.
Remember, safety first!


Coming into the summer is the best time of the year to start as the water will only get warmer.

But either way, make sure you keep swimming to get your body used to the cold.

Be safe

Open water is dangerous too.

Only swim in areas where it is safe, and make sure you can get in and out of the water quickly. Never go swimming by yourself.

Wear the right gear

Wear a swimming hat (or two) to keep your body.

You can also wear neoprene gloves, booties, balaclavas, or a wetsuit if you want. We’ve got them all HERE.

Don’t Dive

Jumping into cold water unprepared can be dangerous and give you cold-water shock.

So get used to it before you go jumping or diving in!

Know your limits

Reduce the amount of time you spend in the water as the temperature drops.

Swimmers often only swim for one or two minutes at a time in the winter.

The general rule is that you can spend 1 minute in the water for every degree of water temperature – course, you must listen to your body as well.

Our post-swim robes are excellent for warming you up.


So why not take the plunge and start embracing the cold water and freeze sea breeze?

If you’re interested in Watersports, check out our Ultimate Guide to Watersports in Ireland blog.

If you do, make sure to stay safe and keep within your abilities.

And don’t forget to enjoy it.

Before you leave, why not check out our Blog on Swimming Nutrition right HERE. 

Why not check out our fantastic swimming range HERE or below.

the benefits of swimming in the sea

*Source: Amateur Swimming Association (ASA)

Guide to Buying a Kettlebell

If you’re interested in buying a kettlebell but don’t know where to start, this ultimate guide is for you.

Kettlebell training has exploded in recent years, with professional and amateur athletes all availing of the massive benefits it produces.

Getting strong, fitter and leaner in a shorter space of time and with minimal fuss.

It’s that easy (almost!).

In this guide, our Home Gym Expert Staff member, Alex Malone, takes you through the most important aspects of buying a kettlebell.

He will take you through things to look for when buying a kettlebell, as well as all the benefits and top tips you will need.

Don’t forget our wide range of kettlebells to get you started.

buying a kettlebell

If cardio is your thing but weight training not so much, check out our guide on How to Buy a Spin Bike.

How to Buy a Kettlebell Overview

Kettlebells, often known as ‘Russian hand weights’, have been around since the 1700s, although they have only recently acquired widespread media attention and appeal in the fitness industry.

While kettlebells have long been seen as a source of pride in Russia, they were not manufactured and used in North America until 1998.

In 1985, Russia designated kettlebell a sport with its own set of rules and regulations.

On a global scale, both men and women participate in power and strength endurance sports, both recreationally and competitively.

Types of Kettlebell

“Hi guys, firstly you got to remember that there are two different types when buying a kettlebell – vinyl coated kettlebells and cast iron kettlebells.

“The cast-iron kettlebell, sometimes known as the ‘original’ kettlebell, is constructed entirely of cast-iron.

“The material and design of the handle and weight are both consistent. The vinyl kettlebell is similar to the cast-iron kettlebell in appearance, but it has a vinyl coating that covers the weight and, in some cases, the grip.

buying a kettlebell

“One thing to be conscious of is that if a kettlebell is covered n vinyl, it may not be the exact weight, while they can also be kore expensive due to manufacturing costs.

“Both are suitable for commercial and home gym use, but if you’re planning on doing double-handed exercises like kettlebell swings, cast iron kettlebells are what to buy.”

Benefits of Kettlebell Training

Low Impact Cardio

“Traditional cardiovascular activities such as running can be quite beneficial to strength athletes, they can also be extremely taxing on the body.

“If your recovery isn’t completely customized to that strategy, adding hours on the treadmill to your training might not be the most beneficial cardio option either.

“Kettlebell training means you won’t be putting the same repetitive strain on your joints and connective tissue as you would if you were jogging because your feet stay grounded during even the most powerful moves.”

Full Body Workout

“Kettlebells’ allure stems from the fact that they’re healthy for more than simply your heart and lungs.

“They can also help you increase your muscular strength and mass all over your body.

“Everything from swings to Turkish get-ups will make you a significantly stronger lifter because most kettlebell exercises stimulate muscles from head to toe.

“Working with kettlebells will give your entire body a major boost in strength, with a focus on your core.”

buying a kettlebell

Better Mobility

“The good news is that you don’t need good coordination or mobility to begin kettlebell training.

“With workouts like Turkish get-ups and kettlebell windmills, you may start simple and gradually increase your overhead mobility, coordination, and stability.

“Deep kettlebell goblet squats, as well as precise kettlebell deadlifts and swings, will improve hip mobility and coordination.

“Your coordination and mobility will have greatly improved by the time you progress to the more challenging kettlebell moves.”


“They are also a super quick way of shedding some pounds in a short space of time. Some studies find you can burn up to 400 calories in a 20 minute workout.

“So they will leave you feeling great both mentally and physically afterwards.

“They are also incredibly easy to store and carry around than other weights and won’t take up a lot of room in your home gym.”

How To Buy a Kettlebell Top Tips

Don’t Go Too Heavy

“It won’t benefit you if you go too heavily.

“You’ll do more harm than good by exercising your ego.

“You’re not ready for it just because you saw it on the internet.

“While it’s necessary to push yourself, if you’re sacrificing form in order to lift a given weight, the possible injury outweighs the potential benefit.

“As long as you keep within your capabilities, heavyweight is necessary for gaining strength.

“It’s easy to get carried away with a goal of pressing or swinging greater and heavier weights.

“Stop the set as soon as your form deteriorates, or even a set or two before that, if you’re utilizing a weight you can handle for a specific rep range.”

buying a kettlebell

Simplify Your Training

“Nothing beats the simplicity of one or two bells and some fresh air if you’re in your home gym

“When it comes to gym equipment in traditional venues, it’s easy to get caught up in the ‘more is better’ approach.

“The list goes on and on with racks, dumbbells, cable machines, ab stations, and so on.

“With a few kettlebells, you may add dynamic moves to your calisthenics practice at home, simplifying it.

“Check out our amazing bundle offers HERE. 

“A change of pace from in-depth, percentage-driven workouts can be refreshing.

“Simple complexes and movements can help you keep going on your strength journey without missing a beat and without the need for a ton of equipment and weight.”

Stay within your Ability

“Just because you desire to accomplish something doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to do it.

“The talent is more vital than the will.

“If you’re new to the kettlebell world, social media may be a dangerous area. Juggling, aggressive motions, and high-volume routines may appear appealing, but if you’re not ready, take a step back.

“We’ve got some great workout ideas below.”

Kettlebell Training Workouts

“There is loads of brilliant kettlebell workouts you can find online and do at home.

“Below are some links to our favourites.”

Men’s Health Focus on Building Muscle

Cosmopolitan’s 15-Minute Workout to hit all muscle groups


We really hope you enjoyed this blog.

If you’re interested in more really good content, check out our Blog right here.

Or why not shop our Kettlebell range HERE or below.

buying a kettlebell

VHI Womens Mini Marathon 2024

Intersport Elverys is delighted to partner with the VHI Womens Mini Marathon for 2024.

For the last 20 years we have been offering unique product, advice and benefits to marathon participants.

We absolutely love sport! From grassroots all the way to the very elite, supporting Irish athletes and sporting organisations dates back to our very origins and is part of our ethos.

We’re one of the biggest supporters of Irish sport in the country and we’re at the heart of sport.

During your mini marathon journey make sure to check out our socials and blog for advice, competitions and more.

For all your running and sporting needs make sure to visit your local Intersport Elverys store or explore our range on

Between now and the big race day, we will be giving you tips and advice on how to get yourself ready and on the road to the VHI Womens Mini Marathon.

Below, we have some really important advice from chartered physio Michelle Lyons, while we’ve also gone to the trouble of picking out some of the best running shoes, leggings and sports bras for you.

VHI Womens Mini Marathon: How to Be your Best

Chartered physiotherapist Michelle Lyons talks to us about how to be at your best for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon and how to ensure your training continues smoothly!

“By now, hopefully your training is well underway as June is only around the corner!

“I’ve worked with lots of female athletes (both professional and beginners) and there are often a couple of niggly problems like back pain or a bit of leaking when you run….that may be holding you back.

VHI Womens Mini Marathon

“Often it can be an issue with your pelvic floor – did you know that 1 in 3 women have some sort of pelvic floor problem? But don’t panic, there’s a solution!

“Your pelvic floor muscles run like a sling from the front of your pelvis to your tailbone and they have a number of jobs, like giving you control over your bladder and bowel and keeping your pelvic organs where they are supposed to be.

“But they are also really important when it comes to preventing low back pain, as they provide stability for the joints of your lower back and pelvis.

“The muscles can become stressed during pregnancy and childbirth or if you have chronic constipation, which can lead to problems with low back pain, some leaking from the bladder or bowel or even a dragging feeling as if things are moving down and out.

“For many women, leaking when they run is a very common problem. I say common, but it’s really important to remember that leaking is NEVER normal and there is almost always something that can be done about it!

“Probably the best way to address the issue is to check in with a women’s health physio who also works with athletes; she will be able to not only help you address your pelvic floor issues but also look at your running form.

“Remember: most women don’t need pelvic floor strengthening (no more kegels!) but they do need to re-learn coordination of the pelvic floor with the breath.

“In the meantime, here are some tips to help you get started”

VHI Womens Mini Marathon Tips

Know your floor!

“Your pelvic floor muscles do a number of jobs, including controlling bladder and bowel function.

“Find your pelvic floor by taking a deep breath in, and as you exhale, relaxing all the muscles in and around your pelvis.

“Take another breath in, and this time as you exhale, close your anus and lift up and in, (as if you were trying to stop gas escaping) Count to 5 out loud (to make sure you’re not holding your breath.

“Then (this is the most important part!) fully relax your pelvic floor.

“Congratulations! You just found and activated your pelvic floor muscles!”

Coordinate with your breath.

“Now that you know where the muscles are, practice coordinating with the breath. This will give you more stability during your run and may help with your endurance.

“Take a breath in and feel how both you lower tummy expands a little and your pelvic floor drops a little.

“As you exhale, your tummy should gently move back in by itself and your pelvic floor rises a little.

“This cycle should happen with every breath but if you are worried about leaking, you may not be fully relaxing the pelvic floor, which might be making the problem worse!

“Try this exercise standing, sitting or lying still, and as you get the hang of it, try to incorporate the breath and pelvic floor muscles into your running.”

Watch your alignment.

“Keeping your ribcage over your pelvis when you run can help manage the pressures of running on your pelvic floor.

“Wearing supportive clothing like a good sports bra and EVB shorts can really help improve both form and function when you run in my experience.

“If you are worried about leaking or painful breasts when you are running, that can actually make the problem worse by causing extra tension in the body and can lead to other mechanical problems or injuries.

“Set yourself up for success and enjoy your run!”

VHI Womens Mini Marathon Running Shoes

A good set of running shoes are going to be absolutely crucial for this event.

So check out our Top 5 Runner Review Blog ahead of the race or click on the link below.

VHI Womens Mini Marathon

VHI Womens Mini Marathon Sports Bras

As Michelle mentioned, a good quality sports bra will make life much more comfortable.

We have more advice in our Guide to Finding a Sports Bra blog or click on the link below.

VHI Womens Mini Marathon

VHI Womens Mini Marathon Leggings

Leggings will make you feel good and look good, so what’s not to like.

We’ve compiled our Guide to Finding the Right Leggings for you, or check out our full range below.

vhi womens mini marathon


We hope you enjoyed this blog and found it helpful ahead of the big race.

We’re proud sponsors of the VHI Womens Mini Marathon and we can’t wait.

sports bra size guide

How to Buy a Spin Bike: Ultimate Guide

Are you aware of how good a spinning workout is but don’t know best how to buy a spin bike that suits your needs?

If you’re not, well don’t worry, because we can ensure you that spin bikes are a different beast of a workout compared to an exercise bike.

It’s the closest thing possible to replicating cycling on a track or road, bringing that outdoor cycling experience indoors.

That’s why spinning classes are becoming so popular worldwide.

In this blog, our Home Gym Expert Team member, Emma Kate Harris, tells us about some of the most important features to consider when buying a spin bike.

While she will also give some benefits to spinning.

If spinning is not your thing, some maybe a Beginners Yoga Session is your thing?

how to buy a spin bike

How to Buy a Spin Bike Overview

“Hi guys, so the first thing to know is that “pin bikes are different to most of the other kinds of indoor cycle machines we stock as part of our Home Gym range.

“They are designed with the aim of closely replicating what you experience cycling on a road or a track.

“So if you want to bring that outdoor cycling experience indoors and really get that feeling of a tough cycling workout, then a spin bike is for you.

“Here are some of the main features to look out for.

“Before we start, you might enjoy our blog on the Benefits of Fasted Cardio.”

How to Buy a Spin Bike Key Features

Q Factor

“On a Spin Bike, the Q factor is one of the most significant features to consider.

“It’s the distance between the inside of the pedal attachments on both sides of the crank arms, or, to put it another way, the gap between the two pathways your feet take.

“Lower Q factors tend to be a more accurate portrayal of real bikes when it comes to recreating the most authentic riding experience.

how to buy a spin bike

“The Q factor of the most popular indoor cycles will be between 155mm and 175mm. A narrower Q factor is more ergonomically efficient and allows the rider to apply more effort to the pedals, according to research.

However, other experts say that riders with exceptionally broad hips are sometimes better suited to a bike with greater Q factor.

Flywheel Weight

“The first thing you should look out for on a spin bike is the weight of the fly wheel, which is generally located at the front of the bike.

“The weight will dictate the motion of the bike, so the greater the weight the smoother the motion. We recommend spin bikes with a flywheel over 6.5 kg, which is more than enough to allow a smooth and seamless workout.

“Spin Bikes are powered by a chain or belt and have an open front flywheel.

“The rolling road bike feel is influenced by both visible rotation and force transferred from the pedals to the wheel. Because of the fixed gear, you can’t coast or stop abruptly like you can on other stationary cycles.

“Magnetic discs are used to produce resistance on traditional recumbent or upright exercise bikes.”

Frame Size and Weight

“Secondly, you want to check out the weight and frame size of your spin bike.

“Not everyone will have a lot of space to work with in their home gym, so you want to find a bike that is light enough to move around and strong enough to provide optimum balance with even the most rigorous use.

“Without wheels at the front of the machine, spin bikes can be difficult to transport and move. They’re necessary for simple, convenient movement, especially at home where room is restricted.

“Today, almost every Spin Bike has wheels attached to the base of the bike for simple transporting. These are crucial for both household and professional users, as the frames and flywheels are large pieces of equipment, weighing around 50-55kg.”

Resistance Type

“You also want to become familiar with the type of resistance on your spin bike. Generally, there will be two types, friction resistance and magnetic resistance.

“Friction resistance works by pressure being put on the flywheel to slow it down and make it harder to spin.

how to buy a spin bike

“These bikes will need replacing the long term due to wear but would not be as expensive as their magnetic counterparts that work by bringing a magnet close to the wheel to increase resistance.”

Adjustable Seat & Handlebars

“We’re not all the same shape and size, so having an adjustable seat and handlebars is very important.

“This is key to making sure your time on the spin bike is as comfortable as possible and with the lowest risk on injury from over reaching.

“So, consider whether the spin bike you’re buying has fixed heights and positions on their seats and handlebars, or whether it is a free movement system.

“Handlebars/seats may be moved to accommodate people with longer and shorter arms/legs and upper and lower bodies, allowing users to select their most comfortable riding position.

“This is especially crucial for inexperienced cyclists or those with back difficulties, as riding with low handlebars or a seat in the wrong position is likely to be uncomfortable.”

Small Features

“And finally, there is all the small little features that can really top off your spin bike, such as the display screen, water bottle holder, bike pedals and arms rests.

“All these little features add up to really compliment the perfect spin bike, so take time to find ones that suit your needs.

Benefits of Buying a Spin Bike

Feel Good Factor

“Endorphins are produced by exercise and interact with receptors in the brain to cause happy feelings.

“You’ll leave your class or session physically exhausted, but mentally elated, and this is the sensation to which you’ll grow addicted.

“That is why being active can aid in the treatment of depression and other negative mental and physical health issues, such as stress, in so many people.”

how to buy a spin bike

Low Impact Exercise

“Spinning is ideal if you’ve recently recovered from an accident or surgery, or if you simply need to ease back into things.

“Don’t get us wrong: you’ll still get a fantastic workout, but there’s no fear of falling off or colliding with another cyclist because the bike remains motionless.”

Relieve Stress

“There’s no denying it: exercise has been scientifically shown to help people cope with stress.

“Exercise clears your thoughts and allows you to temporarily forget about whatever stressful day you’ve had at work or at home.

“Exercising makes you feel good about yourself and boosts your confidence, which all contribute to a reduction in stress in our daily life.”

Build Lean Muscle

“The development in muscle definition in your legs and core is one of the finest benefits of a spin session.

“We don’t have to tell you how vital core strength is; it’s what keeps your body upright.

“Because muscle weighs more than fat, many are perplexed when they desire to remove their muffin top but notice a weight gain!

“Our recommendation is to get rid of the scales and focus on how you want your body to look rather than a number or a pant size.”


We hope you enjoyed this blog on how to buy a spin bike.

Make sure to check out our range of leading spin bikes HERE or below.

Enjoy the spinning!


how to buy a spin bike

Mini Flow: The Best Yoga Poses for Kids

Yoga for kids can be a fun and rewarding exercise for both parent and child.

It can be done almost anywhere, at any time and has so many mental and physical health benefits.

That’s why Intersport Elverys have teamed up with the O’Neill family from Mayo to bring you a fun mini flow of yoga poses you can do at home with your kids.

Barry, of Bonco Wellness yoga studio, and his two kids, Sienna and Ralph, are going to bring you through their favourite poses.

So why not flow along?

Check out the class on YouTube right HERE or below.

Before you begin, you might enjoy our Ultimate Guide to Yoga at Home Blog?

Yoga for Kids: Barry O’Neill

“There are so many yoga poses for kids, but today we’re going to show you around 8 you can do and we guarantee there will be plenty of fun along the way.

“Kids love doing yoga; they love the movement, and the challenge of doing some of the harder movements. You will find a lot of the kids poses are named after animals or insects, to make them more relatable to children too which helps.

“Make sure to check out our full class on YouTube, where you can follow along.”

Yoga Poses for Kids

1 Cat Cow

“To start, we go on to all four – hands and knees – with your hands directly underneath the shoulders toget a nice strong posture – it’s called a neutral position.

yoga for kids

“We start with the cat pose, so tuck your chin into your chest and arch your back up to the ceiling, hold for 3 seconds, and then look up nice and slowly towards the celling, allowing your belly fall down to the mat.

“Repeat that pose 5 or 6 times to warm up the spine and get started into your practice.”

2 Downward facing dog

“From the Cat Cow position go back in table top, curl the toes under, ensure nice strong hands and push your bum towards the ceiling, straightening your legs and allowing your head to fall between your arms.

“From here, just to stretch the back of your legs, you bend your right knee and straighten your left leg (and vice versa). Try and drop your knee  down towards the ground nice slowly, get a nice good stretch of the back of your leg.

yoga for kids

“You’re just pedalling your legs nice and gentle and making sure you’re breathing deep.”

3 Cobra Pose

“Okay, so we’re going from the last posture, which was our Downward Facing Dog, into our Cobra Pose.

“So bend the knees slightly and start dropping yourself towards the mat.  You need to open your body here and transition into your Cobra pose, looking straight ahead and then pointing that head up towards the ceiling, depending on the movement and the ability of your spine.

yoga for kids

“Your lower back is supporting the spine here, so hold that for about 15 seconds or three breaths, then come back and you can sit right back onto your heels.

“This is to counteract the back bend by rounding out the lumbar spine. Sit into that position again for three to five breaths and allow your body to relax.”

4 Bow Pose

“From here, we want to drop our body down on the mat again to start.

“Get yourself nice and relaxed. From here you grab your feet, fingers to the outside, making sure you’re taking your time. Take a deep breath in and on the exhale kick back and you lift up as high as you can.

yoga for kids

“Hold this for roughly 10 seconds and then drop your feet back down. You can try three sets, each time just allowing your body to relax again for a few seconds.”

5 Warrior Pose

“Next, we’re going to go from the ground positions go back up into standing.

“You can bring your legs to about palm width apart, turn your foot at 90 degrees, keep your right foot around 45 degrees and then bend your knee over your foot. Keeping hands shoulder height, look out over your hand and hold.

“It’s a nice strong posture to strengthen legs.

yoga for kids

“Breathe and hold for about ten seconds. Then repeat on the other side.”

6 Single Leg Standing Bow Pose

“So now I’m going to introduce a couple of more challenging or harder yoga poses for kids.

“This is a single leg balancing pose called standing bow. Step forward on your mat, grab whatever foot you want on the inside with the hand on the same side.

“Raise the opposite hand and then kick back and reach forward. It’s all about focus, were not looking to stay here all day, just about 5 seconds and pay attention to how your body is in that position.

“Control the movement back down and then do the opposite side. You will find your weaker side may be more difficult.

“It’s all about practice and focus. If you fall out of the posture, don’t worry one bit, just go back and try again. It’s great to help children’s focus as they have to stand on one leg.”

7 Combination of Postures

“Now were going to try a fun mini-combination, kicking our legs back behind our heads and then into a forward fold.

“Position yourself wherever you are comfy, don’t rush into it, stay controlled, and lift your legs over your head and touch the ground behind you with your toes.

yoga for kids

“Make sure to control the legs back down. Then raise the arms right up, inhale and fold forward on the exhale as much as you can. Hold for a few seconds and then repeat.”

8 Butterfly Position

“Finally, bring the soles of your feet together, pull your heels into your body, and with a straight back, like a butterfly flapping its wings, flap your legs up and down and loosen up those hip joints.

“Do this for 30-60 seconds and release for a nice way to finish off today’s sequence.

“Don’t forget to sit back on your heels, put your hands in a prayer position, bow your head and ‘namaste’!”


“I really hope you enjoyed this practice. Make sure to check out the new BAHE yoga range at Intersport Elverys for all your yoga gear, or follow the link below.”

yoga for kids