Should I wear a Knee Support while Running

If you’re a runner, then there is a good chance you have suffered knee pain at some stage in the past. If you have, then you’ve probably considered a knee support to help?

Knee trouble is so common with runners because of the wear and tear of high intensity, high mileage running.

When it comes, it can be a nightmare to deal with and downright painful too.

But wearing a knee brace can help.

Remember: Prevention is better than Cure!

In this blog we’ll go into further detail on how it can help you run pain free for years.

Should I wear a Knee Brace while Running

Whether you have a knee injury or not, wearing a knee brace will give you extra support.

Particularly if you’re doing high mileage during your training blocks and want to take some impact pressure off your knee joints to make sure you’re 100% for the race.

Plus, the last thing you want is for knee pain to disrupt your training schedule and potentially put you out of action.

knee support

How to Buy a Knee Brace

Because knee braces come in all different shapes and sizes, it’s important to get the right one for you.

So firstly, consult your physio, especially if you have pain or feel a niggle coming.

Check out our blog on How to Stay Injury Free While Running HERE. 

They will be able to consult you about buying a traditional style knee brace, one with extra support or a medial, hinged or patellar knee brace.

Some key things to lookout for are:

  • Adjustable support
  • Breathable material
  • Flexible side stabilisers
  • Open patella design

Types of Knee Brace

Compression Sleeve Knee Brace

The most basic amount of support is provided by a compression sleeve. Since they are typically safe to wear when you have any form of pain, these are typically the first type that most runners look for.

Simply a tight sleeve around the joint, this kind of brace prevents the accumulation of edema and enhances the joint’s ability to move independently in space. Additionally, even though this brace is the least bulky, it provides the least support.

Patellar Knee Brace

The patellar brace is the next tier of support.

It relieves pressure on the tendon and directs the patella (knee cap) to track in a straighter pattern.

It is similar to the sleeve but has a thicker area that affects the kneecap. These are frequently used for patellofemoral discomfort and problems with the patellar tendon.

Medial & Lateral Support Knee Brace

The medial/lateral support braces are the highest level of support. These have sturdy, hinged sections that aid in preventing knee buckling.

They serve as defense against sprains and tears for the knee’s ligaments, particularly the medial and lateral collateral ligaments.

By defending against rotational pressures, they also safeguard the ACL.

The bulkiest of the group, these are often constructed of hard plastic, feature straps, and are heavy.

In addition, there is a “off-loading” brace for meniscus injuries that relieves pressure on the medial or lateral meniscus following a meniscus injury, surgery, or when arthritis is present.


Generally, a knee support is not something you want to rely on consistently either.

Being used as a stop-gap, intermittently through your training and to treat/prevent injury is the right time.

If you need it 100% of the time, then it is definitely a sign to go see a doctor, or maybe explore other forms of cardio.

We have a wide range of knee braces available on our site or instore.

But don’t forget to do your research and speak to a professional before making the final purchase.

If you are just starting your running journey, check out our Beginners Guide To Running HERE. 

knee support

How to remove Water from your Ear after Swimming?

There are few things more satisfying than a swim, especially in hot weather. However, there’s few things more annoying than not knowing how to remove water from you ear after swimming too.

When water gets trapped in your ear canal, you can struggle to hear correctly and feel a really annoying ticking sensation in your ear, jaw and mouth.

Whether it’s excess ear wax or a narrower ear canal, water can get trapped for a multitude of reasons, but if you’re lucky it will drain itself out.

However, that’s often not the case.

The longer it stays in there, the greater chance of a painful ear infection too!

Of course, don’t let this put you off swimming, because this blog will tell you all the Health Benefits of Swimming.

So that’s why we’re going to share our Top 10 Tips for how to remove water from your ear after swimming.

how to remove water from ear after swimming

Removing Water from Ear After Swimming Top Tips

1. Move the Earlobe

The first approach can immediately shake the water out of your ear.

Tilt your head lower toward your shoulder and gently tug or jiggle your earlobe.

While in this position, you might also try swaying your head from side to side.

2. Use Gravity

Gravity should aid in the water leaving your ear using this method.

Spend a few minutes on your side with your head resting on a towel to absorb the water. Your ear may start to gently empty of water.

3. Use Suction

The vacuum produced by this technique might suck the water out.

Leaning your head to one side, place your cupped palm over your ear to form a tight seal.

Gently and quickly move your palm in a back and forth motion toward your ear, flattening it as you move and cupping it as you pull away.

To let the water drain, tilt your head downward.

4. The Hair Dryer Treatment

The water in your ear canal may be helped to evaporate by the heat from a blow dryer.

Your blow dryer should be on the lowest setting.

Move the hair dryer back and forth while holding it about a foot away from your ear.

Pull down on your earlobe and let the warm air in.

how to remove water from ear after swimming

5. Alcohol and Vinegar Ear Drops

The water in your ear may evaporate with the aid of alcohol.

Additionally, it serves to stop the development of germs, which can aid in avoiding infection.

The vinegar might aid in removing any earwax accumulation that may be the cause of the trapped water.

  • To make eardrops, combine vinegar and alcohol in equal amounts.
  • Apply three to four drops of this mixture to each ear using a sterile dropper.
  • Gently rub your ear’s outside.
  • After 30 seconds, turn your head to the side to allow the solution to drain.
  • Use caution if you have any of the following conditions:
  • a middle ear illness
  • an eardrum perforation, tympanostomy tubes (eardrum tubes)
  • Purchase vinegar and rubbing alcohol online.

6. Purchase Eardrops

Water may be being trapped in your ear by dirt and earwax, which can be removed with hydrogen peroxide solutions.

Online stores sell eardrops that dissolve earwax using a carbamide peroxide solution (a mixture of urea and hydrogen peroxide).

Use caution if you have any of the following conditions:

  • middle ear infection symptoms include discomfort, edema, warmth, drainage, and bleeding from the ear.
  • an eardrum perforation, tympanostomy tubes (eardrum tubes)

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil can keep water out of your ears and help you avoid ear infections.

In a small bowl, warm some olive oil. To check the temperature, apply a few drops to the inside of your wrist.

Put a few drops of the oil into the troubled ear using a clean dropper.

Spend about ten minutes lying on your other side, then sit up and droop one ear.

The oil and water ought to drain away.

8. Drink More Water

Although it may seem absurd, this method truly works to remove water from your ear.

While lying on your side, use a clean dropper to dispense water into the affected ear.

Turn over with the afflicted ear facing down after waiting 5 seconds.

The water should drain away completely.

9. Chew or Yawn

Moving your mouth can occasionally aid in releasing water that has been lodged in your eustachian tubes.

To release tension in your eustachian tubes, yawn or chew gum in a really exaggerated manner.

10. Do the Valsalva

A closed eustachian tube may be opened with this technique.

Take care not to blow too forcefully as your ear drum may be harmed by this.

Draw a deep breath.

Next, close your mouth and use your fingers to firmly seal your nostrils.

Exhale slowly through your nose. A popping noise indicates that the eustachian tubes have expanded.

How to Prevent Water Going in your Ear

Remember, prevention is always a better idea than cure.

So to avoid water going in our eyes, why not try earplugs or a swim cap?

See a Doctor

If any or all of the above tips don’t help you remove the water from your ear, then don’t hesitate to seek some medical help from a trained professional.

Especially if the water is still not going after two or 3 days as the chance of infection will have increased greatly.

And you don’t want to suffer any long-term damage!


We know how annoying having water stuck in your ear is, so we hope these tips helped you.

If you know any other method that could help solve the issue, make sure to let us know in the comments.

Why not check out our blog on the Benefits of Sea Swimming Before you go?

how to remove water from ear after swimming

How Good is Jogging: The Benefits

People always ask: how good is jogging and does it compare to running?

That’s because some believe jogging is less serious than running because you don’t get the same mental and physical exhaustion.

Well, we believe that that opinion is wrong and we’re going to tell you why!

Firstly, jogging is basically running no matter how you look at it.

And secondly, it is fun, friendly and easier on the body.

If you want to know more about running, check out our Ultimate Beginners Guide here.

If not, read on and we’ll give you seven benefits to jogging.

how good is jogging

Jogging vs Running

A jog is essentially a run at a slow pace, whether it be for recovery or for individuals who don’t care about paces at all.

A jog is generally regarded as a low- to moderate-intensity exercise because it requires only about 60% of your maximum heart rate and should allow you to easily carry on a conversation.

Obviously the pace of the job is completely subjective to the person and that person’s ability.

But here’s the good thing about jogging..


So just get out there and enjoy it.

Is Jogging Good for you?

Jogging is a thorough workout that also gets the body ready for other physical activities and an intense workout.

You might be shocked to learn that jogging benefits your health in ways other than merely aiding in weight loss.

Without being overly demanding, it aids in increasing physical stamina and endurance. It maintains the health of the heart and mind in addition to strengthening the bones and muscles.

The following summary of jogging’s numerous health advantages is provided:

How Good is Jogging: 7 Benefits


1. Jogging Promotes Weight Loss

300 calories are easily burned during a 30-minute jog.

Jogging increases metabolism and is more efficient than walking alone. Jogging increases metabolism and is more efficient than walking alone.  The excess inches you’ve always wanted to lose will vanish with a good diet and consistent running. Jogging not only helps you lose weight but also keeps it off.

2. It Lifts Your Spirit

A mile may seem like a marathon on certain days.

A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry indicated that moderate-intensity exercise, such as quick walking (or, ahem, jogging), can reduce the risk of depression even if you’re barely pushing your speed.

A previous study that was published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise indicated that just 30 minutes of jogging might significantly improve someone with depression’s mood.

how good is jogging

According to new research published in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, moderate exercise, especially when there aren’t great expectations associated to the activity, has the ability to reduce anxiety and stress long after your workout.

3. Beneficial to the Heart

Running is a great cardiovascular exercise that improves heart health. It helps ward against illnesses including heart disease.

Jogging makes sure that blood is pumped to the heart more quickly, which helps to keep blood pressure stable.

Blood sugar and cholesterol levels are also in check.

4. Jogging Aids in Better Sleep

You probably already know that engaging in regular exercise might help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

In fact, a study in the journal Sleep Medicine revealed that persons who typically slept fewer than six and a half hours per night reported clocking an additional 75 minutes of sleep every night (more than any drug, FYI) after engaging in moderate-intensity exercises like running or walking.

A further study that was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that just 30 minutes of weekly running for three weeks was sufficient to improve sleep and lessen daytime good is jogging

5. Makes Bones Stronger

Jogging has the benefit of preserving bone health.

The bones are subjected to some stress and load when you start jogging.

Jogging gets the bones ready for the extra stress they start to experience on a regular basis.

If you want to learn how to stay injury free when jogging or running, check out this blog. 

Running builds bone density and guards against fractures. It increases bone density and prevents conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.

Additionally, it strengthens the spine’s and the hip’s bones.

6. It’s good craic!

I believe we can all agree that moving your body outside is a fantastic time. None of us would be doing it if it weren’t.

Few activities you can do almost every day will leave you feeling as accomplished and rejuvenated as jogging, whether you do it alone or with companions.

Don’t worry about the labelling, then. Do not worry about the figures in any way. Just keep going outside and having fun.

7. Jogging Helps You Live Longer

No amount of exercise is going to make you live forever, but low-intensity jogs two or three times a week—for a total of 60 to 145 minutes for the week—were found to be the best way to increase longevity, according to research published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

More specifically, jogging could reduce your risk of dying early from any cause by 30 percent, and from heart attack or stroke by 45 percent, reports one scientific review.


We love running and jogging at Intersport Elverys, so Go Get it!

We hope we have given you a small bit of knowledge in this blog.

Now it’s up to you.

Shop our brilliant Running range below for some fantastic products.

Our Top Inflatable Kayaks Ireland Review

If you’re in Ireland and looking to buy  inflatable kayaks, then look no further than this blog.

The absolute beauty of inflatable kayaks is being able to pack them up into a convenient bag afterwards, making them easy to move around.

Especially compared to a 12 foot long hard kayak!

As well as reviewing some of our most popular inflatable kayaks, we’ll also share some essential pieces of advice when buying.

We hope it will help you.

We’ve also compiled a review of Inflatable SUP Boards that you may like right HERE?

If not, read on.

inflatable kayaks ireland

Inflatable Kayaks Ireland: Buying Tips

Aim for Quality

There is a large amount of inflatable kayak options out there now, but one thing we really recommend is to not buy cheap.

Because you don’t want problems when you’re out on the water, right?

So don’t think buying the cheaper option here is better.

You pay for quality and you will get it in return.

Multi-layer inflatable kayaks

Single layer inflatable kayaks are to be avoided if you’re looking for longevity and reliance.

Inflatable kayaks with multiple layers offer much greater versatility than kayaks with just one layer.

Through the use of an outer fabric that protects against UV rays, abrasion, and punctures, they provide much greater protection.

This makes them an excellent option for leisurely recreational use in sheltered water where you’ll be paddling for more than a few hours. Additionally, there are variants that are excellent for adventures, river paddling, and kayak fishing.


We advise looking into investing in something a little more heavy duty if you want to explore outside sheltered water areas, such as bays, canals, and gently flowing rivers.

Maintaining the straight line of your inflatable kayak is another performance consideration.

Look into purchasing an inflatable kayak with a skeg if you want to stop going in circles all the time.

This tracking fin is comparable to that of a stand-up paddle board.

inflatable kayaks ireland


The seats on many of these inflatable kayaks may not initially look unpleasant, but they can quickly get grating and uncomfortable.

You’ll be glad you made the investment in firmer kayak seats when your back and bum thank you.

Alternatively, if you know you’ll be paddling more frequently, you can swap out the sitting for some stronger kayak seats.

Pump and paddle quality

Frequently, package purchases include a paddle and a pump as well.

In the short term, the pump might get by with these, but they are frequently of extremely poor quality. We strongly advise you to spend more money on a stronger paddle for longer paddles to ensure your safety.


Single layer, multilayer, and drop stitch inflatable kayaks won’t take up all the space in your house when they are not in use.

So these kayaks can be a smart choice to think about if your storage options are restricted.

Inflatable Kayaks Ireland Review

Aqua Marina Laxo 9’4”

1 Person

Price: €399

Designed for one person, this recreational aimed inflatable kayak is tough, versatile and perfect for the beginner.

You can explore lakes and rivers and is more suited to your shorter trips.

The AquaShell technology means it has a heavy duty shell for a real tough durability as well as having a handy splash guard on the bow to protect the cockpit.

There is an adjustable bungee system at the front too to keep any luggage you have secure, while it also comes with a backpack for storage!

Aqua Marina Memba 12’10”

2 Person


This luxury aimed inflatable kayak excels in tracking and speed with an extra-long waterline.

So if you’re looking for a longer distance adventure with a friend or loved on, this is for you.

The shell is tough as nails, while the low rocker hull design and high pressure drop-stitch deck lets it glide through water effortlessly, so you won’t be exhausted paddling!

It’s quite light weight too (13.4kg) and it is a dream to back away and transport.

You will get a backpack, hand pump and premium seats, while it also has a super-fast water draining system if you’re in whitewater or the ocean.

Aqua Marina Tomahawk Air-K 12’4”

1 Person

Price: €749

This is an absolute performance machine for the true adventurer!

The brand new design  gives the user speed, comfort and stability and is the perfect cruiser with a light load.

You will also be amazed at the design quality the Tomahawk Air-K offers, with its moulded v-shaped form under bow and stern for performance and manoeuvrability.

The spongy and adjustable seat and footrest is a brilliant touch to finish off a real gem of an inflatable kayak in Ireland.

You will actually be fooled thinking it is a traditional hard finish kayak when inflated given the stiffness and speed it offers.

Plus you can also get a 2-person version.


Inflatable kayaks have to be tried and we’re sure you might never go back once you do.

Have fun and stay safe on the water though!

If you’re interested in Watersports, check out our Ultimate Guide to Watersports in Ireland blog.

Check out our full range of kayaks below.

inflatable kayaks ireland

Our Inflatable Paddle/SUP Board Review Guide

We don’t want to exaggerate here, but we genuinely think the inflatable paddle board is one of the biggest game-changers in the business.

With it, you no longer have to worry about lugging around a 10-foot long board, roof racks or finding space at home to store your hard paddle board.

Plus, the technology being used nowadays make these extremely durable, even more so than the hardboard, lightweight and are brilliant for all levels.

They are also really, really affordable!

In this blog, we’re going to break down some of our favourite inflatable paddle boards by Aqua Marina and Fire Fly.

Before you start, you might enjoy our Ultimate Guide to SUP Boarding blog HERE.

We will find the right one for you!

inflatable paddle board

How are they made?

The inflatable paddle board first came about when SUP Boarding became global.

Two layers of polyester cloth are “drop stitched” together with countless polyester threads to create inflatable paddle boards.

The exterior surfaces of both sides of the material are then covered with an airtight coating.

Polyester fabric with a coating on both sides is the substance used for the SUP sidewalls. In order to create an airtight board, wide-seam tape is then adhered over each seam.


Inflatable Paddle Board Review

The Beginner Board: Aqua Marina Breeze 9’ 10”

Weight: 7.9kg (net)

Price: €389

The Breeze is an ideal inflatable paddle board for beginners and those looking to hit the water for the first time.

It is part of the All-Round range and the smallest model in that, with a capacity of about 100Kgs.

If you’re looking for a bigger version, there is the Vapor, Fusion or Monster to consider.

An easier ride is what this inflatable paddle board gives you, along with more space for luggage or you dog!

It even has a zip backpack and comes with a kit including a pump, paddle, backpack and safety leash.

Advanced Inflatable Paddy Board: Aqua Marina Beast 10’ 16”

Weight: 8.7kg (net)

Price: €549

The Aqua Marina Beast inflatable paddle board give you versatility, unrivalled quality and the best innovation.

These boards are designed for a multitude of conditions wit the shorter versions like the Beast suited to catch some waves!

While the longer models such as the Atlas and Magma are aimed at families who like to go together.

Of course you will get a kit will all the necessary accessories too.

Don’t be totally put off if you’re just a beginner too, but these are designed for paddle boarders of all levels.

Multi-Person Inflatable Paddle Board: Aqua Marina Super Trip 12’2”

Weight: 11.3kg (net)

Price: €579

These inflatable paddle boards are brilliant craic!

Part of the Super Trip series, you can share it with a loved one, friend, kid or even your pet!

At over 12 feet long, it is massive and gives you plenty of stability even with two people.

There’s also enough space to carry a load of belongings with you if you’re going on a long ride.

The Super Trip is surprisingly fast too, thanks to long parallel outlines.

The Kids Board: Aqua Marina Vibrant 8’

Weight: 5.6kg (net)

Price: €349

In case you didn’t know, kids love inflatable paddle boards!

Aqua Marina have designed this brilliant inflatable SUP board just for kids to cater for all their needs.

It’s smaller and lighter than a normal board, so they can transport and pack it away themselves.

It’s also ultra stiff and durable, important because, well, kids can be kids and all that.

The footpad on the surface has enough grip to make sure your child has solid underfoot resistance, helping them stay on longer and paddle with ease.

The Yoga Fan: Aqua Marina Dhyana 11’

Weight: 10kg (net)

Price: €539

You bet SUP Board Yoga is a thing!

And if you haven’t heard of it then you need to try it!

The Aqua Marina Dhyana gives you everything you need to do to de-stress and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of yoga on SUP board.

The platform can dock up to eight boards at one time so there’s no need to worry about floating away.

It even comes with a yoga board strap and crocodile grooving footpads for comfort and grip.

We know SUP board yoga is not easy, that’s why the board is extra large too.

The Pro: Aqua Marina Coral Touring 11’6”

Weight: 9.6kg (net)

Price: €599

If you’re a trekking enthusiast and experienced paddle boarder, this is for one.

The sleeker design lets this board cut threw the water at speed and has performance very much in mind.

You can cover long distances with the grace of a shark, while being able to ride waves or calm water in equal measure.

Naturally it’s one of the more expensive in the range, but you will be buying quality, performance and reliability.

It’s also surprisingly sturdy too.


We hope you will find the perfect inflatable paddle board for what you want in this list?

Before you go, we urge you to stay safe while you are on the water.

And of course, have fun!

If you’re interested in Watersports, check out our Ultimate Guide to Watersports in Ireland blog.

You can check out our full range of Boards HERE or below.

inflatable paddle board

SUP Boards Ireland: The Ultimate Guide

Summer is here and SUP Boards, or a paddle board, are all the trend in Ireland right now.

SUP Boarding has exploded in popularity over the past decade for a number of reasons.

Not least of all because we have some of the most beautiful and scenic beaches and rivers, it can be super relaxing and fun, or it can even be a brilliant workout!

Ever heard of SUP Board Yoga?

If you haven’t then it’s worth trying!

However, if you are here just to learn a bit more about SUP Boarding – where to buy them, which one to buy and why, locations or where to get lessons – then you are in the right place.

Sounds good?

We’ve also got some really cool video content below, or if you’re interested in Watersports, check out our Ultimate Guide to Watersports in Ireland blog.

Sup Boards Ireland

SUP Boards Ireland: Getting Started

Non-inflatable versus inflatable SUP Board

First things first, you need to decide whether you want an inflatable paddle board or a non-inflatable paddle board.

If you’re just starting off, then we highly recommend an inflatable paddle board or SUP Board because of sheer practicality and affordability.

Check out our Review Blog on the Best Inflatable SUP Boards right HERE. 

Non-inflatable or solid paddle boards are the higher-end, more expensive, and performance-focused SUPs.

Depending on the discipline being practiced, their shape will change, but because they are solid, they may be molded into the most streamlined forms and efficient rails.

While inflatable paddle boards or Sup Boards are becoming the most popular item on the market.

Since they are inflatable, there is no need for roof racks or a large garage, making it simple to store and move the board (simply in the car or in their luggage) to the closest body of water.

As the boards are inflated, they become more rigid. The top and bottom of the board are being pulled against each other by thousands of individual strands (aka drop stitching) woven into the inside as the air fills the chambers and it expands.

This intricate weaving keeps the boards incredibly light while yet giving them strength and rigidity.

Paddle Board/SUP Board Ireland shape and size

You must locate the appropriate size and shape for you while selecting a paddle board.

Your choice of paddle board should support you in the water and offer the proper amount of stability for your degree of expertise, prior experience, environmental factors, and general needs.

The size and weight limit of your board will affect this.

The length, weight, and height of the paddle board are used to calculate the volume in litres.

Simply put, your board can support more weight the larger its volume.

Why not consider a multi-person SUP Board like below.

Length/Width & Weight

A child, or someone who may be used to surfing are more suited to shorter boards because of how easy they are to move.

While if you want to do some yoga or exercise then a medium sized board is good.

If you’re adventurous and plan on going longer distances at faster speed, you want a long board that has increased stability.

We’ve got boards ranging from 9 to 12 foot, that cater for single and multi persons.

SUP Boards measure between 25-36 inches. The wider the board the easier to handle.

The larger the person the more stability you are going to need to avoid falling off all the time!

In terms of weight, the board and its load will impact the control of the paddle board.

So ask yourself:

  1. What weight am i?
  2. What gear will I bring?
  3. Do I want more than one person on the paddle board?
  4. Am I a beginner, medium or advanced paddle boarder or SUP Boarder.

SUP Board Accessories

You’ll also need a few bits and bobs to go SUP Boarding.

Thankfully, our SUP Boards come with a whole host of accessories to make your experience easier.

However, we also sell some of these individually if you need them.

Don’t forget accessories like:

  • A paddle – make sure to check if it’s the correct height
  • Strap (keeps the board attached to your leg)
  • Carrier bag to hold your inflatable sup and accessories
  • Pump
  • A life vest – safety first!
  • A dry bag to store all your valuables like a phone, wallet etc
  • A wetsuit – especially if it’s cold!

SUP Boards Ireland

Best SUP Board Locations in Ireland

We’ve got some of the most amazing beaches, rivers and lakes at our doorstep, which is stand up paddle boarding heaven.

Check out this blog from Ireland’s Adventure Magazine, Outsider, which ranks the top ten places to SUP Board in Ireland.

Should I get stand up paddle board lessons?

This is a common questions and we would recommend doing so if you want to maximise your experience.

You will have fun, the lessons are very easy and relaxed and you will learn some really important techniques.

There are loads of local Sup Board Schools at all the best locations, so do a quick Google to find one near you.

Just remember, SUP Boarding is harder than it looks, so don’t underestimate the value of some expert advice.


We think you’re now ready for the water!

We guarantee you will have fun, so check out our unbelievable range of SUP Boards HERE or below.

And of course, remember that water safety is so important.

If SUP Boards aren’t your thing but Kayaks are, check our this BLOG. 


SUP Boards Ireland