How Good is Jogging: The Benefits

People always ask: how good is jogging and does it compare to running?

That’s because some believe jogging is less serious than running because you don’t get the same mental and physical exhaustion.

Well, we believe that that opinion is wrong and we’re going to tell you why!

Firstly, jogging is basically running no matter how you look at it.

And secondly, it is fun, friendly and easier on the body.

If you want to know more about running, check out our Ultimate Beginners Guide here.

If not, read on and we’ll give you seven benefits to jogging.

how good is jogging

Jogging vs Running

A jog is essentially a run at a slow pace, whether it be for recovery or for individuals who don’t care about paces at all.

A jog is generally regarded as a low- to moderate-intensity exercise because it requires only about 60% of your maximum heart rate and should allow you to easily carry on a conversation.

Obviously the pace of the job is completely subjective to the person and that person’s ability.

But here’s the good thing about jogging..

